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Coffee shops share grounds for your garden

Some stores bag of coffee to coffee grounds and put them out to customers. But, as reader Mike Ryan pointed to Damascus is a proposal hit-or-miss. To ensure a steady supply, Ryan approached the director of a coffee shop in Tully local Albertsons, who agreed to save the reasons for it.

Here's what he created with the store:

He leaves a clean 5-gallon bucket with lid.
They pour the coffee filter into the bucket.
He buckets swaps for several days a week. If it will be on vacation, he leaves two buckets.
"I thank them, they thank me," he said.
At home, Ryan adds substantial amounts of coffee and hand-shredded filters, in large compost pile, where the population has increased exponentially red worm.

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  1. This to great to see, and exactly what a growing number of people are starting to arrange with their local coffee shops. I run a volunteer group that has been collecting coffee grounds for over a year now and with fantastic results, and it would be great to have you guys using some of the material we produce - stop by the site if you get the chance:


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